Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Letter for imigration about the reinstatement Essay

Letter for imigration about the reinstatement - Essay Example (Here I will have to insert a valid reason as to why you failed in your subjects which you did not mention) But I promise to make up for it. I only have two quarters to finish before I could graduate. That is why I am hoping that my three years of studying would not go to waste. I came here for the sole purpose of attaining good quality education and I have high hopes not just for myself but for my country as well. I am also considering to be of service to your country in many ways I can. Add to that, your standard of teaching has been known around the world and I cannot just let go of this great opportunity. Besides, I am financially capable of supporting my schooling. I never had a bad record or a history of deportation. For the past ___ years, I have been a law abiding citizen, never tarnishing the reputation of your country nor that of Indonesia. I was never involved in crimes, fraud or any other violations of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations. The documents attached herewith would prove that. For one, my immigration documents are valid and accurate. Rest assured I will continue to follow rules and maintain my status as an international student if I be given a chance to study in your country again.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical issues we face Essay Example for Free

Ethical issues we face Essay Ethical issues we face in the day-to-day job or private life Ethics is one of the most important aspects in our daily lives, whether we are employed within an organization or act as members of a society. Issues concerning ethics have increased significantly especially over the last two decades as a result of globalism and of a fast-changing world. Nowadays, the extensive usage of social media requires certain ethical behavior that goes hand-in-hand with the real world. Ethical issues in the workplace. Ethical issues vary on the type of business an organization is involved in. However, certain issues remain the same and dealing with them is very crucial since their effects on the future of an organization might be devastating. Among them I can mention: Health and Safety It is important to have a proper balance between the costs of production and the health of employees. All companies must ensure a safe work environment. However, there have been cases where in order to cut spending companies have failed to pay close attention to the health of their employees. Sexual harassment Sexual harassment is one of most common ethical issues in the workplace behind which a large number of legal trials exist. Asking sexual favors in exchange of promotions is not only unethical but also punishable by law in most of the countries. Conducting personal business on company time This can significantly impact personal job performance and the overall results of a company. Taking advantage of other’s work There are times when we are required to work in a team and thus having an interaction with others when reaching the predetermined goals. Sometimes this can cause that certain individuals might take advantage of other’s work at a time when their contribution was minimal or lacking professionalism. To tell or not to tell Observance of improper business practices conducted by managers or fellow employees can cause an ethical dilemma. In such cases we often ask ourselves to tell or not to tell. On one hand we are aware of their wrongdoing and  want to report the problem, but on the other hand fear of losing the job cause us to remain silent. Other issues include late arrivals, lying to customers, nepotism, laying off of an experienced workforce and hiring of cheap labor, whistle-blowing etc Ethical problems in private life Ethical problems in our private life have a broader range as we are part of more complex environments. Some of them are as follows: Finding money which does not belong to us. Gun control Abortion Global warming Stem cell research Environment Public goods Disparities in wealth Racism

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A CBR-based Approach to ITIL-based Service Desk Essay examples -- Custo

Abstract: Many organization’s customer service and technical support department like to use Service Desk systems. It is crucial to provide a convenient and fast method. In this paper the Incident and Problem Management of ITIL framework are described and used as the underlying structure of Service Desk and then CBR technique is selected for the main implementation technique after make a comparison between CBR and RBR. Lastly, this paper actually tries to work on new perspective by adopting Knowledge management techniques with Services Desk systems. INTRODUCTION The Knowledge Management Service Desk has attracted attention. By adding Knowledge Management to the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), the importance of Knowledge Management in IT organizations is observed more than ever. Service Desk makes the accessibility and availability of IT organization’s services in supporting the agreed IT service provision become easy. By using Service Desk the reception, response and troubleshooting of end-users’ issues regarding organization’s services are solved. There are several problems in Services Desk topic. First is the acquisition of the knowledge about information technologies supported by Service Desk. The technicians must have the knowledge of information technologies to solve the reported incident. But, nowadays the information technologies are increasing rapidly. The other problem is to finding proper solution when technicians do not possess the knowledge over domain to find the solution in term of time consuming. Knowle dge Management can be describe as a technology that increases our understandings and helps the organizations to make decisions and solve problems more effectively by providing strategy, process and technology... ...ime to fill the database, and it is effective to find nearest neighbor of the current incident. CONCLUSION Nowadays, many organization’s customer service and technical support department like to use Service Desk systems. It is crucial to provide a convenient and fast method. In this paper the Incident and Problem Management of ITIL framework are described and used as the underlying structure of Service Desk and then CBR technique is selected for the main implementation technique after make a comparison between CBR and RBR. Lastly, this paper actually tries to work on new perspective by adopting Knowledge management techniques with Services Desk systems. Works Cited Farjadi Tehrani, A. R., & Mustafa Mohamed, F. Z. (2011). A CBR-based Approach to ITIL-based Service Desk. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 2(10), 476-484. A CBR-based Approach to ITIL-based Service Desk Essay examples -- Custo Abstract: Many organization’s customer service and technical support department like to use Service Desk systems. It is crucial to provide a convenient and fast method. In this paper the Incident and Problem Management of ITIL framework are described and used as the underlying structure of Service Desk and then CBR technique is selected for the main implementation technique after make a comparison between CBR and RBR. Lastly, this paper actually tries to work on new perspective by adopting Knowledge management techniques with Services Desk systems. INTRODUCTION The Knowledge Management Service Desk has attracted attention. By adding Knowledge Management to the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), the importance of Knowledge Management in IT organizations is observed more than ever. Service Desk makes the accessibility and availability of IT organization’s services in supporting the agreed IT service provision become easy. By using Service Desk the reception, response and troubleshooting of end-users’ issues regarding organization’s services are solved. There are several problems in Services Desk topic. First is the acquisition of the knowledge about information technologies supported by Service Desk. The technicians must have the knowledge of information technologies to solve the reported incident. But, nowadays the information technologies are increasing rapidly. The other problem is to finding proper solution when technicians do not possess the knowledge over domain to find the solution in term of time consuming. Knowle dge Management can be describe as a technology that increases our understandings and helps the organizations to make decisions and solve problems more effectively by providing strategy, process and technology... ...ime to fill the database, and it is effective to find nearest neighbor of the current incident. CONCLUSION Nowadays, many organization’s customer service and technical support department like to use Service Desk systems. It is crucial to provide a convenient and fast method. In this paper the Incident and Problem Management of ITIL framework are described and used as the underlying structure of Service Desk and then CBR technique is selected for the main implementation technique after make a comparison between CBR and RBR. Lastly, this paper actually tries to work on new perspective by adopting Knowledge management techniques with Services Desk systems. Works Cited Farjadi Tehrani, A. R., & Mustafa Mohamed, F. Z. (2011). A CBR-based Approach to ITIL-based Service Desk. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 2(10), 476-484.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wilson Disease Essay example -- Health, Homeostatis

A patient presented with symptoms that suggested she might be schizophrenic. With many conditions mimicking schizophrenia, the doctor reviewed the notes from the family and noticed the patient had missed an eye doctor appointment. The physician, very aware an exam could confirm or refute a diagnosis, requested an eye examination be performed. Kayser-Fleischer rings were present in the cornea of her eyes. These rings are deposits of copper and sulfur granules and are greenish-gold in color. They are not always present; however, when they are, they are a classic identifier of Wilson disease. (Holtz, 2006, pp.108-109) Therefore, the eye exam confirmed a diagnosis of Wilson disease for this patient. While working in England during the early 1900’s, Alexander Kinnear Wilson, an American neurologist, described the disease. (Schilsky & Brewer, 2009) As with many things, because he was the one who originally described it, it is named after him. Wilson disease is also referred to as hepatolenticular degeneration. (Mayo Clinic, 2009). It is a genetic, chronic disease that stores up excess copper in the liver. Accumulation of excess copper begins at birth. (Children’s Hospital of Pittsburg, 2010) Copper is an essential trace metal vital to human health, requiring a small, regular intake to maintain homeostatis. According to Copperinfo (2011), â€Å"At least 20 enzymes contain copper and at least 10 of these require copper to function.† The brain, the skin, the heart and the immune system all need copper. Ingested copper is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. From there, it enters the bloodstream, making its way to the liver. (Copperinfo, 2011) A healthy liver serves as a filter. Part of its functionality is metabolizing carbohydr... ...cinnati Children’s Hospital, 2009). A normal liver adequately filters and removes toxins from the body through the urine or bile. A lack of copper homeostatis in a diseased, damaged liver obstructs this process. This excess accumulation of copper in the liver is Wilson disease. Inherited mutated genes, one from each parent, cause the disease. If only one mutated gene is passed on, then the individual is just a carrier and will never be diagnosed with Wilson disease. It is prevalent worldwide, including several different ethnic groups. It most often affects children and teens from ages 10 to 20 years old. Occasionally there are exceptions and we see diagnoses of Wilson’s in children as young as three and adults over the age of 50. Treatment is available that, if continued for a lifetime, will maintain copper homeostatis and the patient will live a good life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American literature realism Essay

In American literature realism, is an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. Realism has been mainly concerned with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle and lower classes, where character is a product of social factors and environment is the important element in the dramatic complications. The realism sought to explain why ordinary people behave they way they do. What, for example, fuels the ambitions of a young man who has come from the country to the city to make his fortune? Why does an apparently happily married woman decide to have a love affair? What leads a woman to accept or reject a particular man? In trying to answer these questions, realistic novelists often relied on the emerging sciences of human and animal behavior–biology, psychology, and sociology–as well as on their own insights and observations. Realism from 1865 to the present has changed. As authors have moved into a global world, their writing has become less regional and therefore less realistic. Writers today do research instead of writing about what they already know about. As the world has become more global, authors have become more full. To a certain extent, realism is about presenting a limited view because is very much about regionalism. An author can only write realistically about what he/she knows. Authors like Mark Twain and F. Scott Fitzgerald gives a â€Å"tell it like it is† writing in the stories. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the setting has a large influence on Huck’s character. The period of time that Huck lived in was a distinct era. The country was changing rapidly. During this period steam engines enabled rivers to be used as mass transportation, an idea that had never been explored until now. There were many traits of this era that can be seen by looking at the components of Huck’s character, his language, actions and thoughts. Some of these traits are subtle and can be easily missed but others are very obvious and powerful. This period of change was the setting of Huck’s childhood. One trait that is indicative of the era is the social class of Huck and Huck’s  language. It is greatly affected by his social class and setting. The broken English is a sign of Huck’s low social class. In addition it also shows that he is from a southern river town. This can be seen from his expressions and accent. The rules of the time that Huck’s character is governed upon, Huck was never educated. During the early 1800s there was no law that required children to go to school, therefore his low intellect has a strong impact on Huck’s character. It gives him a â€Å"plain and simple† outlook on life, this trait can been seen throughout the book in Huck’s character. One specific area it affects is Huck’s plans for his future. Huck only thought about what he was going to do for present. Huck had an incapable father. He was thought of as the town drunk, and would often come home intoxicated and abuse Huck. At one point his father locked Huck up in a small room without food or water for days. The setting is important here because if Huck’s father were to treat his son in an abusive manner today, he would lose custody of his child. A good example of Huck’s unloving relationship was Huck’s reaction to his father’s death. When notified of his death he was relieved and felt safe. This detail can be used to illustrate the abuse that Huck went through in the beginning of the book, while living with his father. Since Huck’s father had irresponsible actions, Huck ran away at a young age in the hope that someday he would find freedom from his father and society. Huck’s separation from his father is also the reason for his freethinking, responsibility and innocence. These times of hardship formed him into a mature person and helped contribute to his independent personality. Without the influence of the setting Huck would have never been able to achieve the freedom that he had by being independent. When Huck ran away he joined up with Jim, who was also running away, but from something different. Jim was fleeing from slavery, a common practice of the time. Huck’s relationship with Jim contributed to Huck’s non-prejudice thinking. Another factor that gave Huck an understanding of how the slaves must have felt was the prejudice that he experienced himself, being part of the lower class. Huck  was infuriated when people looked down upon him for something that was no fault of his; he was born into the class because of his father’s social status. For these reasons Huck always treated Jim as an equal, making Huck ahead of his time. Jim knew that Huck respected him, as a result Jim risked his own life to save Huck. In the story you find humor with Huck’s character. In real life you have humor being part of life. For example, Huck’s account of his reasons for participating in what he knows to be the ridiculous schemes of Tom Sawyer’s gang. He recognizes that their â€Å"swords† are â€Å"only lath and broom-sticks† and he does not believe, in any case, that they â€Å"could lick such crowd of Spaniards and A-rabs†. At one point one finds that Huck seems to accept Tom’s values. Before boarding the Walter Scott he says â€Å"Do you reckon,† he asks Jim, rhetorically, â€Å"Tom Sawyer would ever go by this thing?† It is here at the Phelps farm, where he even takes Tom’s name. Huck’s independence and lack of education resulted in a mind that was never influenced by adult’s beliefs. This allowed Huck to have thoughts based on what he believed in, not traditions that are simply carried on by messengers of the past’s beliefs. Although traditions are often good they prevent new ideas from entering people’s minds. This made Huck original; this individuality could be seen with his relationship with Jim. During this period of American history slaves were looked down upon, but Huck, being an independent thinker, looked up to Jim for who he was, not for the color of his skin. This change in dialogue clearly illustrates how the relationship grew stronger during their adventures. By the end of the novel Huck risked his own life to free Jim in the final escape attempt. His dependence made him loyal to the Mississippi River. The personification of the river that Huck uses clearly shows his feelings and thankfulness to the river. It also helped show how important the river was too not only Huck but to all of the river towns and people. The Great Gatsby’s best qualities is Fitzgerald’s incredible use of realism. This realism is evident in the development of plot, setting, and characters throughout the novel. The novel is well known for its deeply entangled plots  and sub-plots. At first Fitzgerald used realism to develop these plots by choosing plots that would be believable to readers. For example, the main plot of â€Å"The American Dream† (Jay Gatsby’s dream of becoming rich and successful in order to impress Daisy) is easily believable and is still a quite common dream today. Smaller plots, such as Tom Buchanan’s affair with Myrtle, are also very realistic and are a common occurrence in every day life. From here Fitzgerald deepened the story by using realism to entangle these plots. Fitzgerald then grew upon these plots by making them all have realistic outcomes (such as Gatsby’s demise), rather than your typical story book endings. Fitzgerald uses realism to clearly depict the setting of the Great Gatsby. This use of realism could be mostly due to the fact that Fitzgerald lived during the time of the novel, and by using great detail, he was able to reproduce his interpretation of the 1920’s. The novel takes place during the summer in New York as Nick Carraway has just moved to pursue a career in the bond business. This is a very realistic setting because just after World War 1 the eastern United States were flourishing with people and business. Large, fancy homes and big parties (such as Gatsby’s) were also quite popular. Fitzgerald realistically demonstrates the inexistence of the middle class at that time. For example the contrast between Tom Buchanan and Mr. Wilson shows vast difference between the upper and lower classes. The exact geographical location of the novel does not exist, but Fitzgerald does a great job in using realism to convince the reader of the setting. No matter how significant realism is to the setting of the novel, perhaps the most important use of realism comes through Fitzgerald’s development of characters throughout the novel. The novel characters are the basis of the novel from which the plots revolve around. Fitzgerald uses realism to ensure that all the characters in the novel are believable in both their history and interactions with each other. A prime example of this would be Daisy. Her history of having a successful family, and being the center of attention deeply influences her character into being self-centered and dependent on wealth, making her character  believable to readers. From here Fitzgerald was able to manipulate the characters. This convinces the reader of genuinely of each individual and therefore makes the whole story seem more realistic. Throughout the novel, the plot was deepened through the entangling of many realistic sub-plots, the setting was clearly illustrated using plenty of detail, and the characters were developed to be as believable and genuine as possible. In the end it is the realistic recognition of life’s imperfections that give The Great Gatsby its continuing appeal. The things that happen are real and could really happen. The characters are products of their environments. In today’s society we have somewhat the same issues. It depends on ones culture and beliefs. If you are pretty much conservative one finds that acting a certain way, wanting freedom, lying or dishonesty won’t be acceptable. The two novels that I chose both show realism â€Å"tell it like it is† but in different ways. What happens to Huck Finn is a result of how and where he lives. Events happen to him because of the real life setting and place. The central figure in Huck Finn isn’t even really Huck†¦it’s the river. Gatsby is shaped by external factors such as love, money and other people’s ideals. Nothing that happens is glorified or exaggerated. In my opinion I think that Twain and Fitzgerald both conveyed in reality. Both authors wrote there stories based upon the social restrictions of time. Today we see the same kind of American dream and look down upon the lower class. I think that we moved closer to the truth by seeing what society be really about. This is somewhat the real world and it’s either your accepted by following the rules or not accepted by disobeying the rules.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hiring Manager Essays

Hiring Manager Essays Hiring Manager Essay Hiring Manager Essay As a goal-oriented research professional with an A.M. degree in Regional Studies from Harvard University, I have developed a strong interest in the consulting industry and in particular am very impressed with Bain’s results-based business approach and corporate culture of apprenticeship for young professionals. Thus, I would like to apply for a position as Associate Consultant. I am certain that upon your review of my qualifications you will find that I will be a valuable asset to your company. With over seven years of academic and professional exposure, living in and conducting interdisciplinary academic work on China, India, the US, Russia and Central Asia, and currently holding responsibilities working in a multinational corporate environment in Hong Kong, I have accumulated extensive knowledge of language, culture, politics, economics and business practices across several countries and regions, developed excellent skills in critical thinking, quantitative and qualitative research, and effective multilingual communication, and obtained abilities to work efficiently with diverse individuals, create strong rapport with clients, and successfully manage multiple tasks in demanding environments. I am an initiative-driven team player with a multilateral focus fortified by a global perspective. Particulars of my qualifications are on the attached resume. Excellent references can be provided upon your request. I am available to discuss the details of my application with you through an interview.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Crucial, Vital, Essential

Crucial, Vital, Essential Crucial, Vital, Essential Crucial, Vital, Essential By Sharon Some words just cant be qualified, such as unique. Something either is or isnt unique – thats all there is to it. Here are a few more words of that type. Crucial Crucial derives from the Latin crux, meaning cross. The word originally meant cross shaped, but took on the meaning of deciding between opposing arguments in the 19th century. From there it was a short stretch to its current meaning of decisive. Vital Vital derives from the Latin words vitalis and vita meaning life. Its meaning has changed through the centuries. In the 14th century it meant pertaining to life; in the 15th it meant essential to life or sustaining life; in the 16th it meant endowed with life. By the 17th it had come to mean life giving or essential to the existence of something, which is its meaning now. Essential Essential is presumed to be derived from the Latin esse – to be – via essence, which denotes that qualities that make a thing what it is. Its common to hear people talking about issues that are highly crucial, most essential and very vital, however these uses are wrong. Something is either crucial or essential or it isnt – and nothing can be more vital than another thing which is vital. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should KnowUsed To vs. Use ToUses of the Past Participle

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quality Improvement essays

Quality Improvement essays Goodyear is the leading tire manufacturer in the U.S. With a number of different brands, Goodyear has a tire for almost all types of cars, trucks, agricultural vehicles and off-road vehicles. This paper evaluates the need for quality improvement in the raw-material supplier, distribution and marketing of the tires in the U.S. Production and manufacturing are important areas where traditionally quality management has been emphasized and stressed. In recent times however there is an increasing trends by organizations to also improve the quality of their supply and distribution channels with the aim of improving customer satisfaction. In the organizational setting, quality is often defined based on the need of the customer and how an organization meets this need. Product performance and perception play an important role in identifying the perception of quality that a customer might have. Satisfying customer needs has created a new need for managing customer relationship and providing the desired service. The customers for Goodyear Tire Company are identified as follows: The Original Equipment Tire Customers (OEM): This includes the car manufacturers who constitute approximately 25-30% of the total tire consumption. (Kerin and Peterson, 2004) The tires manufactured by the company are used on a variety of cars manufactured by GM, Ford, Chrysler, Mazda and Toyota to name a few. The demand for tires from this type of customer depends on the automobile industry, which in turn depends on the volume of cars sold. Goodyear considers the OEM customer very important, as, if customers were satisfied with the quality and the performance of tires on their vehicles they were more likely to replace their tires with replacements from the same company. Auto manufacturers also prefer...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Construction Project Management - Connecting the UK with Europe Coursework

Construction Project Management - Connecting the UK with Europe - Coursework Example Boring from one end of the English Channel would ensure that the tunnels would progress without major concerns for aligning tunnels to each other. In contrast, if boring was initiated from either end of the English Channel, it would be technically demanding to ensure an accurate alignment of the tunnels when the tunnels met in the middle of the English Channel. The other constraints such as costs of extra machines for boring also had to be balanced against concerns for a time required to complete the project. This and other such aspects of the Channel Tunnel project required that project management expertise and technical expertise be employed to execute the project. Once the project was initiated, the technical risks on the job were managed well enough including some famous overkill such as the useless procurement of new equipment when old equipment was just as effective. As the project progressed, it was affected negatively by two factors inimical to project management – cost variances and schedule. On the one hand the technical risks associated with this iconic project had been well managed and dealt with but on the other hand, a new set of risks had been left alone to be dealt out on their own. Largely the risks left out of the initial planning phase included dealing with government bureaucracy and the associated delays and changes to project scope. While the Channel Tunnel project can be seen as a major achievement in terms of technical progress but it is otherwise a pure project management failure. There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the Channel Tunnel project was less than a Pyrrhic victory. The initial costing for the project was estimated at some $5.5 billion but the eventual execution cost the project team some $14.5 billion. There was little change in the overall scope of the project but there were myriad changes in the details of the project scope. It was decided initially that the Channel Tunnel would consist of 32 miles (51.5 kilometers) tunnel under the sea to serve two railway links separately.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Bridge on River Kwai Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Bridge on River Kwai - Movie Review Example b. What was the best thing about the movie? What was the worst?   The best thing about the movie is how it portrayed dynamics of people in a prison camp. The interplay and complications of people with various cultural backgrounds negotiating, interacting was quite enlightening. But above all, the movie just depicted how one group of people can subjugate another group of people through war. The worst thing about the movie was that the racial bias was obvious. During the duration of watching the film, I told myself that the producer of this film must be British because the British character Nicholson was positively portrayed in the film. Nicholson was a captive British officer but despite his situation, he held himself with dignity and poise in a proud bearing consistent with â€Å"Her Majesty† would like to portray. True enough, when I did some research about the producer David Lean, he was indeed a Brit which was already obvious in his film. c. What did you find to be the mo st interesting or surprising element of the film? Why?   The war itself was already interesting but what the film became more interesting is the angle that the movie would like to tackle which is the dynamics of the relationships of POWs and its captors. The content of the film involves the relationship between the POWs (Prisoners of War) and its captors which is already unnerving. In the movie, the hard labor forced among POWs under the intense heat of the tropical sun was vividly portrayed that you can almost feel the heat especially with how the sun deteriorated the skin of the British and American POWs. But while in general the film depicted the reality of war, it was however unrealistic in portraying some dimensions of war especially in the negotiation aspect where Lt. Colonel Nicholson refused to do hard labor when he was asked by Colonel Saito. That caught me by surprised especially when I already had some readings about World War II and how Japanese treats its prisoners. N icholson acted as if he is not a prisoner of war and that they are in equal footing with their Japanese captors. In highlighting this, it is not to say that forced hard labor among POWs is okay but I just find the manner he negotiated with Col. Saito to be unrealistically surprising especially when he used the Geneva Convention ruling as leverage that officers are exempted from work. Japanese as captors are brutal and I doubt that if Nicholson would still be alive in real life had he talked to a Japanese Colonel the way he did in the film. The same instance can be cited here with the American and Filipino POWs held captive by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II where thousands of both American and Filipino officers died in a merciless march in Bataan called the â€Å"death march† that no officers, both Americans and Filipinos were documented to even have the nerve to negotiate with their captors nor did the Geneva Convention made the Japanese spare their lives from the brutal march. This reality was not depicted in the film and instead, the British through Nicholson are portrayed as brave soldiers who would assert against anybody proudly whatever their circumstances. This is far from the truth and this only tells that the movie was produced, directed and intended by western Hollywood intended for a western audience. In the same vein, it is quite perplexing why among the prisoners who attempted to escape and it was

Training and Mentoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Training and Mentoring - Essay Example They should be provided with all the information they need to execute those jobs (Anonymous, 1998). Thus it is inevitable that an organization welcomes and seeks out the value-added benefits resulting from training. According to Rosner, (1999) "training can be a great investment and training can be a waste of money." Of course, training can prove a waste of money if it does not deliver the goods. The key is to recognize the problems attributing to deficiencies in training and then assure that the correct training is imparted (Gupta 1999). Without the correct training, employees can be the organization's major liability. But if they are trained well, they can become an asset (Bartram and Gibson, 2000). Rosner (1999, p.43) states, "The most effective programs train workers in new behaviors and then train managers to support employees as they apply learning daily". Thus, if the training imparted has to be counted, then it should match directly to the requirements of the organization and people in it. One device that can be used is to accomplish this in the 'Training Needs Assessment.' The element of training that is chosen as mentoring which got its name after Mentor, Odysseus' family's sage counsellor in Greek mythology, has got increasing notice in recent years. A mentor is one who has accomplished career success and counsels and guides another for the purpose of helping him/her attain like success. An organization should always have research supervisors who can be mentors; they have the liability to discuss with and counsel a trainee on vistas of his/her work and professional development. The trainee can also find additional mentors informally or the organization may designate them. They are very significant in the complete experience of the trainee and may add to research output as well. In addition to determining what the employees have to learn, and providing them with mentors, the broad range of training delivery methods these days calls for the determination of the best learning method for the employees. Some of the general delivery methods are Instructor-Led Classroom training, Computer Based Training, Web Based Training, One-on-One, and Self-Study Guides. 2. How will these concepts impact you personally and professionally The concepts of training methods given in the passage if applied will enable an employee to be self disciplined and will inspire him to become motivated. The proposed training method will boost the overall personality of the employee. Awareness accrued from the practical training and experimentation as to what to do when and where will increase the self confidence of the employee and will enhance his or her potentiality in managing different situations in the personal life as well as professional environment. The conceptual training if imparted in proper order will increase the self esteem and morale of the employee. Also, it will amplify his professional output and will standardize the interaction process between the customer and himself or with the management. The training mode will become instrumental to create a new outlook in the employee to have harmonious approach in the workplace. The recognition of one's talent throughout the training will satisfy his ego which will make hi m productive. Moreover, it will bring in proper awareness to the latest technologies and information systems. It will also endorse an urge in building up new strategies to bring in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Consequences of the new deal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Consequences of the new deal - Essay Example Meanwhile the Republicans were either contrasting the whole New Deal as an adversary of growth and commerce or accepting part of it, undertaking to make it better. Historians have distinguished between a â€Å"First New Deal† in 1933 and a â€Å"Second New Deal† between 1934 and 1936. The â€Å"First New Deal† was apprehensive with sectors which demanded urgent economic recoveries like banking, industry and farming. The â€Å"Second New Deal† focused on the Wagner Act which aimed at promoting labor unions, the Social Security Act, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which was a relief program. Other programs aided migrant workers and occupant farmers. The other significant legislation of New Deal is the Fair Labor Standards Act (1938). It set the maximum hours and minimum wages for most groups of workforce (Henretta, Brody, Fernlund and Benjamin p233). Though the New Deal never stopped the Depression, it did have some notable consequences. The WPA program increased employment opportunities. The public was also confident of the government and there was a substantial rise in the power and size of federal government. The Social Security Act was a key milestone relative to the New Deal programs. Finally, the national government took an active role in the welfare of its citizens (Henretta, Brody, Fernlund and Benjamin

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Research paper - Essay Example The fundamental concern in this respect regards misbehavior in classroom and why certain students have the propensity to continuously misbehave. More still, several arguments abound on why students normally misbehave in college classrooms. In order to address the problem of student incivility in classroom, the fundamental reasons behind such weird characters must be understood. Reasons for Classroom Incivility College students normally misbehave for various reasons. Naturally, certain students misbehave due to behavioral disorders in them. In this regard, the problem is a big challenge that cannot merely be addressed by conventional means. It is a psychological disorder that conditions such students to behave contrary to conventional norms (Shariff 88). Similarly other students normally display uncivil behavior due to the lack of love and care directed to them at home. Students should always be nurtured, loved and cared for in order to make them respect and understand themselves and their environments. In most cases, college students are driven by the need for independence and will always strive and push for that. Guiding such students in the classroom normally becomes quite difficult as they always inculcate a sense of antipathy to proper social conduct. In many families across the United States, parents are never keen enough to instill certain fundamental ideals in the conduct of their children. Most children grow up totally oblivious of the importance of some basic social skill like interpersonal relations. Upon being left alone in college, it is realized that such students begin to display their lack of social skills given the manner they behave in classrooms and interact with fellow students and teachers. In most cases, students of college age often seek any form of attention they can receive. Since getting attention on the positive respect normally appears difficult, most students opt to engage in funny behaviors for the mere reason of getting attention f rom their mates. In case they fail to receive the attention they seek, misbehaviors normally become the order of the day. At the early years of college, most students are still not mindful of their future lives and are not really concerned about building a proper foundation for themselves. Students who subscribe to such mindsets are normally very critical of the social order and discipline expected of them in institutions such as schools. As such, they often behave in uncivil manner that only disrupt the process of learning or affect their fellow students. Most college students are normally driven by the need for power and control. This provides the motivation for misbehavior in such students. Such students are normally very disruptive in classrooms and will never be afraid to do anything that would make them achieve their goal. They often provoke, challenge and even threaten teachers in the classroom. They tend to disrespect other students and talk back while disrupting the peace o f the class. It is argued that the present educational systems piles much pressure on college students to work extra hard in order to succeed. Millennial students normally multitask as they feel much

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Consequences of the new deal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Consequences of the new deal - Essay Example Meanwhile the Republicans were either contrasting the whole New Deal as an adversary of growth and commerce or accepting part of it, undertaking to make it better. Historians have distinguished between a â€Å"First New Deal† in 1933 and a â€Å"Second New Deal† between 1934 and 1936. The â€Å"First New Deal† was apprehensive with sectors which demanded urgent economic recoveries like banking, industry and farming. The â€Å"Second New Deal† focused on the Wagner Act which aimed at promoting labor unions, the Social Security Act, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which was a relief program. Other programs aided migrant workers and occupant farmers. The other significant legislation of New Deal is the Fair Labor Standards Act (1938). It set the maximum hours and minimum wages for most groups of workforce (Henretta, Brody, Fernlund and Benjamin p233). Though the New Deal never stopped the Depression, it did have some notable consequences. The WPA program increased employment opportunities. The public was also confident of the government and there was a substantial rise in the power and size of federal government. The Social Security Act was a key milestone relative to the New Deal programs. Finally, the national government took an active role in the welfare of its citizens (Henretta, Brody, Fernlund and Benjamin

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana in Arizona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legalization of Marijuana in Arizona - Essay Example Currently, taxation on Alcohol and Cigarettes has been beneficial for the federal government. Solely $9 billion are gained annually through the excise tax on alcohol and $25 billion through cigarettes. States collect approximately $5.5 billion through alcohol taxes. There are certain shortcomings in the system due to which legitimate amount is still not collected. Collection of the exact amount of money through taxes on alcohol and cigarettes would gather billions of dollars. Strong legislation and adequate measures for the collection of tax on marijuana will definitely help Arizona to accumulate billions of dollars. Legalization of marijuana should be done in such a manner that high taxes are applied to it. There is not the much abundant supply of marijuana in the country and it has been sold in the grey market at a high price. Eventually, legalization of marijuana and quotation of high prices would basically discourage people to spend money on it. At the same; tax collection throug h it would be advantageous. The legalization of marijuana would promote its usage in the country but due to high prices, people would not be able to purchase it which would be ultimately positive. Most of the users of Marijuana are teenagers, high prices would change their purchase behaviors and sales reduction would be seen. Legalization of marijuana would also enable State to keep the record of demand and supply, which is fundamental for economics and finance division of Arizona. The sale and purchase mechanism of marijuana is still prevalent beneath the table and it involves drug dealers, criminals, and mob gangs. Due to legalization, these unlawful business operators would get out of their hubs for business. Their presence in the market would basically escort police officials to find the culprits of smuggling and illegal trade. By catching these individuals, the economy of the country and state would rise as grey market and smuggling has destroyed nation’s economy.  

Frankenstein and Paradise Lost Essay Example for Free

Frankenstein and Paradise Lost Essay Shelleys story of a creature created by Victor Frankenstein has striking similarities to Miltons Paradise Lost from the outset, as the second letter in the novel that documents Frankensteins misfortune, is sent from Archangel. Satan was an archangel before he was banished from heaven for challenging God, and we know that he was supposedly perfect. Frankenstein sought to make a human being in perfection, although both the creature and Satan fell from grace at the hand of their creators. The opening line of Paradise Lost underpins the correlation between the tales; Paradise Lost opens with the lines, Of Mans first disobedience, and the fruit, Of that forbidden tree, this is referring to Adam who took forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and was therefore exiled by God. This story of Eden and mans downfall has obviously influenced Shelley as Frankensteins pursuit of nature to her hiding places is what led to the demise of himself and his family. Miltons Satan challenges God; Adam and Eve are tempted by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit and this echoes in Shelleys novel and Miltons poem, as he tells us that heaven hides nothing from thy view. Yet both Satan and Frankenstein want more than nature has to offer, and the irony in the events leading up to the monsters creation are highlighted, by Shelleys use of dark and gothic descriptions of foraging in vaults and charnel-houses, and how the worm inherited the wonders of the eye and brain.. This dark depiction echoes the fate of Frankenstein, the monster and Miltons Satan, as they all endure an experience of Hell; Frankensteins personal hell was of of intense tortures such as no language can describe, and his endurance of a deep, dark, death like solitude, ironically echoes his creations feelings of loneliness and despair. The monster however, considered Satan as the fitter emblem of his condition and continued sufferings, but his hell was also a personal one, to be lived out on earth, and unfortunately alone. Satan, at least, had his host of rebel angels and had experience of a father and being loved, his demise was through choice, as was Frankensteins. It is Satan and the monster who initially invoke the readers compassion, as the monster seems of a benevolent nature as he watched the beloved De Lacy family and took pleasure in aiding their labours. He also shows altruistic behaviour in saving a drowning girl, and lighting a fire to warm his creator, making him possibly more sympathetic than Frankenstein, who forgot his family in his aspirations to become greater than his nature will allow. The monster states, after reading Paradise Lost and other literature he has found after eating the metaphorical apple, that sorrow only increased with knowledge, as he became aware from the De Laceys, of such things as love and acceptance that he came to long for. His good intent could also be interpreted on his hearing Saphie play music that he found so entrancingly beautiful that they at once drew tears of sorrow and of delight from my eyes. Satans ruin also came from his pursuit of knowledge, leading both men to their exile from the people they sought acceptance from. According to Stephen Boyd*, Shelleys husband believed that men are not inherently corrupt, and that they are perfectible, adding to the influence of Frankenstein being to blame for the monsters feelings of vengeance to all mankind, and Frankensteins own corruption when trying to discover the elixir of life. Shelley portrays the monster in child-like ways throughout the novel, as he learns empirically; it was a long time before I was able to distinguish between the operations of my various senses, and he burns himself with fire as a child with no awareness would. This allows the reader to feel some empathy towards this wretched creature, as we imagine an abandoned child, but also reinforces her exploration of human nature as potentially good. Frankenstein and the creature both state they were formed for peaceful happiness, like Miltons Adam, making them perfect antiheroes. It could be argued that the monsters rejection is what made him commit such heinous crimes against Frankensteins loved ones, as the rejection he continually faced made him wretched. We could see Shelley taking the stance that man made a monster, and man also made him monstrous. As the monster lives in a hut, we are reminded that he doesnt only live outside physically, but emotionally as he is a mere voyeur of family life while watching the De Lacys, and this social exclusion is to blame for his murderous behaviour, again relating to Satan who was excluded my his creator. We could again relate this to Satan who is looking for earth and is also racked with deep despair, as are Shelleys characters. Frankenstein also resembles God, as he created his own version of Adam, and the monster that he constantly refers to as fiend and devil reminds him; You, my creator, abhor me.. his plea resounds through the humanity of every reader who has ever felt alone or incomplete, but these feelings however are to be changed as the monster commits heinous crimes against the humanity he once longed for, and on his final rejection he cries; oh, earth the mildness of my nature had fled, and all within me was turned to bitterness and gall. This is when the role of God is transferred from Frankenstein and to the monster who will now decide his fate.

Monday, October 14, 2019

John Lewis Is A Chain Of Retail Stores Marketing Essay

John Lewis Is A Chain Of Retail Stores Marketing Essay Introduction John Lewis is a chain of Retail stores, based in Great Britain. John Lewis opened its first opened its store in 1864 in Oxford Street, London. Never Unknowingly Unsold an altogether different concept in the market and offering to the customers holds a promise that the price of the products sold in John Lewis Stores will be the lowest in the neighborhood which even helped John Lewis to establish strongly in the British Market basically more amongst the middle class people. It has also been the motto and the slogan for the company for 76 years, since its establishment. A partner of John Lewis Partnership which even includes other stores like Waitrose, Greenbee. Every Employee who works at John Lewis is a partner in the company and is entitled to receive bonus out of the profits company earns yearly. With Currently 29 stores Countrywide(28 John Lewis Retail stores and 1 John Lewis at home store) 8 more stores are yet to come in next 5 years in the UK, one of them at the Olympic Site in Stratford, London. Several stores are also in the category of listed buildings because of the architectural designing, one of them being the flagship store at Oxford street, London John Lewis Opened its largest store outside London in Wales on 24th September2009 in Cardiff. With the efforts and the determination of the partners serving the customers with High Quality Goods and the best shopping experience, John Lewis has been able to reach the status of the Largest Retailer in the country. On 1st January2008 John Lewis Store at Oxford Street was awarded a Royal Warrant from Her Majesty the Queen for being a supplier of Haberdashery and household products. Stores in Reading and Berkshire were also awarded with Royal Warrant by Queen on 1st January2007 for being a supplier of household and fancy products. History John Lewis opened its first store as a small drapery shop at Oxford Street in 1864. John Lewis buys the control of Peter Jones in 1905 It was year 1918 when the first edition of Gazette was published, magazine by John Spedan Lewis. In 1920 John Spedan Lewis, Son of John Lewis incorporates John Lewis Partnership, which today has several companies including John Lewis, Waitrose( a chain of supermarkets offering food products) and Greenbee( offers Direct Services like Insurance etc) In 1933 John Lewis buys Jessops, well established store in Nottingham. First store outside London. In 1940 John Lewis also took over Selfridges Provincial stores. With the era of internet and connecting with world via internet, John Lewis launches its website in year 2001 allowing customers to shop online and getting products delivered at their door. Jessops rebrands itself as John Lewis in year 2002 Store in Caley shut its door for public in July 2006 John Lewis enters home Products too, opens up John Lewis at home shop in Poole, Dorset in year 2009,providng customers with wide range of products like Pillows, Duvets, Quilts. Attains the status of Largest Department Store Retailer in 2010. Goals and Objectives Goals and Objectives are important business terms, the two aspects which help a company to become what it wants to. Usually Goals and objectives are inter changed against each other, but practically they have really wide difference. Goal refers to what you aim to become, whereas objectives are the ways or steps to achieve those goals. To be the market leaders. John Lewis takes the competition to a new level to be UKs favorite retailer, from its Never knowingly undersold tagline to providing best customer service to conducting their business relations with integrity helps them to be UKs favorite retail house . Make sufficient profits from the operations to sustain commercial vitality. John Lewis does business with utmost care and low cost but never leaves quality, it has and will always maintain quality of its products, but the products are available at low and reasonable costs that the profits are high plus within the reach of middle class people, thus making it more famous and established amongst middle class of UK. Employee Satisfaction Every employee who works in John Lewis is a partner in the business. The profit is shared amongst the partners named as bonus, which motivates the employees to work harder being more focused and determined. An Individuals brilliance, determination and zeal to work which showers fruitful results are rewarded separately. John Lewis even supports the employees who are in real need of financial help etc. Customer Satisfaction John Lewis recruits only those people who know how to work with integrity, determination while abiding by the principles laid down, which helps John Lewis to provide customers with a different and homely shopping experience in their stores. The prices, quality and value of the goods is different from the other stores in the surroundings which helps in attracting more and more customers to their stores thus building a strong customer base and bond and even a brand image and goodwill for itself Strategic Planning Strategic planning is an integral process of an organization defining its strategies and direction and making decisions to allocate available resources to peruse laid strategies, which provides the organizations which a competitive edge over their competitors. Strategies formulated by John Lewis top level management are basically targeting at 3 core goals, they being:- Personal Satisfaction of the Employees Strong customer base, brand value and goodwill. Sufficient Profits yearly. Strategic planning included SWOT analysis, analysis done to analyze internal environment of the organization and to bring it at par with the external environment. SWOT stands for Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats It also includes PEST analysis which is done to examine the external factors affecting the business and how change in them will affect the business, which helps the organizations to be better prepared for those circumstances, PEST stands for Political Economic Social Technological SWOT ANALYSIS OF JOHN LEWIS Strengths John Lewis has a strong customer base, a brand image and goodwill which helped in becoming the UKs favorite retailer leaving behind its competitors like Debenhams, Marks and Spencers etc, which itself is strength of John Lewis. Each and every employee who works in John Lewis is a partner, be it a part time employee or a full time which entitles them to have share in profit. Bonus is given to the employees at the end of FY out of the profit it earns, which motivates them to work hard and achieve targets set for them which helps the organization inturn. It seems that John Lewis has placed itself well on the environmental and green issues too. For eg:-The fair trade policy it follows with the producers the products in Africa. This helps in making themselves a positive brand in the eyes of customers and environmental activists. Being a part of John Lewis Partnership it is under the scanner of extremely experienced management team of John Lewis Plc and of its own. Weakness Unlike the expansion policy TESCO follows, John Lewis serves only the UK market thus restricting itself to UK customers. If a problem arises in food retailing sector, it will be difficult for John Lewis to cope up. Lack of flexibility for the employees. Opportunities Increasing online sales can be an opportunity because the company will get good returns as the website related cost is nothing as compared to online sales cost. The new store coming up at Olympic site in Stratford will cater to the Olympic fans, as John Lewis is the official sponsor to Olympic games and the official license holder to sale Olympic merchandize John Lewis will open its store in Dublin, which will help them to reach customers in Ireland thus expanding the business. Threats Customers might respond to new brand, John Lewis, in the country in a different manner from UK, even because of John lewis being a British brand. Various other small brands whose price cap matches with that of John Lewis can be a threat. Flexibility lacking in the working can be a threat to John Lewis, as the GREENBLOODED nature of the management at times can make employees frustrated. PEST ANALYSIS Political Factors Globalization, can prove to be a challenge plus an opportunity for John Lewis. Challenge as it will have to compete with Retail stores from round the globe who would even be providing the customers with better services and products better than John Lewis. Globalization can prove to be an opportunity as it will allow establishing themselves anywhere round the globe. Government taxation policy can reduce or increase the profit margin on products and services. -For example:- If the Corporation tax increases to let say 30% from 20% then John Lewis will have to pay more of taxes which will inturn decrease the profit Economic Factors, If the credit availment terms in the country are flexible, then availing credit will get easier from financial institutions which will help John Lewis to expand and grow even more. Along with economic conditions, bank policies play an important role in affecting the purchasing power of the consumers, better and flexible the bank policy and economic scenario healthy, purchasing power increases which in turn will increase sales of John Lewis, which will increase the profit percentage. With more and more competition in every segment from competitors like Debenhams, Marks and Spencers John Lewis management keeps on coming up with different types of marketing techniques , giving more and more of incentive to the customers; affecting prices , resulting in the less profit. Social Analysis. Things have changed a lot from the previous times, people dont like standing in the queues, they prefer buying stuff online and getting the delivery at home. People even prefer billing themselves via self billing kiosks. Today to become more successful and profitable innovation and proper marketing has become the key. Consumers in the market have become aware about the Global climate problems; they are inclined towards companies who keep a check on carbon foot print are Green in there working in every aspect. Technological Analysis RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) technology can be used for significant benefits to the supply chain of Sainsburys. If adopted, this technology will lead to fewer inventories for the supermarket firms leading to a leaner, more profitable organization. Stores shall be technological advanced, usage of best quality Tills, ePOS systems ,ERP systems for managing the company in an effective and efficient manner. Conclusion Through this piece it can be seen through the various analyses, PEST and SWOT, that John Lewis is an iconic British Retail brand, well loved by its consumers. It had been bearing losses in most of the quarters in the financial year when recession stuck the world but now importantly profits, have improved tremendously. However, it is not insulated to many outside risks like rising material costs and recession as analysed by PEST analysis. Keeping in view the external and internal environment John Lewis has even planned to open it stores across the globe with first international store set to open in Dublin, Ireland. Strategies Goals Purpose Power Profit Member Customers Business Relations Community

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inuit Land Rights, Whaling Jurisdiction, and Education :: Essays Papers

Inuit Land Rights, Whaling Jurisdiction, and Education â€Å"Common strategies are needed to confront a coming century of conflict and danger with our own imperatives for survival . . .[Common strategies are needed in] the quest for political and economic freedom with which to rebuild our own socially healthy and economically viable communities†. - Indian Country Today, July 2002. Today, the Inuit emerge on the modern global stage as one of many native groups claiming political sovereignty and national and international recognition of their collective rights. To be Inuit today is to be embedded in a constant, provocative political campaign against the influences of Western culture and assimilation. Indeed, in the last 40 years, the Inuit have lobbied and fought for the right to define themselves through the preservation of their traditions and customs: the Inuit fight for the right to whale, the right to control their own lands, and the autonomy to educate and raise their children as they see fit. Through grass roots organizations and skilled manipulation of our modern over-arching web of mass media, the Inuit share in â€Å"the quest for political and economic freedom† from Western concepts of the nation state, â€Å"primitive† cultural idealism, and minority marginalization. To be identified as â€Å"indigenous† in contemporary media is to be identified as a people allied in a highly sensitive internationalized struggle. In the Native world, â€Å"all are struggling over territorial, economic, political and cultural ground with their nation-state—over self-governance issues, jurisdictional sovereignties, and issues of land tenure and land use, hunting and fishing rights† (Indian Country Today). For Inuit peoples in Canada, land and sea jurisdiction is implicit for cultural survival and preservation. The ITC’s Nunavik Naming Project manifested cultural preservation through land rights. In 1973, a study of Inuit aboriginal rights to Canadian Territories recognized the need for â€Å"the Inuit conception of land use . . . [to be] translated into Qallunaat [non Inuit people] vernacular in order to ground the new claim: â€Å"this is Inuit land† † (Drummond 49). The Nunavik project, beginning among small committees and groups, became the mechanism that allowed for â€Å"the Inuit to be fortified with the same geographical, linguistic, and legal armaments that Quallunat use to stake their claims† (Drummond 50). In this effective grassroots movement, the Inuit claimed land ownership by creating and publicizing maps of the land they claim as their own, labeling all rivers and homesteads in the original Inuktitut, the Inuit language.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ford Motor Company Marketing Strategy Essay example -- BTEC Business M

Ford Motor Company Marketing Strategy Ford Motor Company is one of the world’s largest producers of cars and trucks and one of the largest providers of automotive financial services marketing vehicles under the eight brands shown below. The Company is a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During 2002, the company made 6.7 million vehicles and employed 328,000 people worldwide. Business partners include 25,000 dealers and more than 10,000 suppliers. Ford motor company offers a wealth of variety to the automotive consumer. As they start their second century of business, they are now in a position to appeal to the widest range of potential customers. Each of their automotive brands has a unique personality and holds a distinct place in the ford motor company family. Vehicle Brands   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ford   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mercury   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mazda   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Volvo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jaguar   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Land Rover   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aston Martin AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE BRANDS Introduction The marketing orientation has become common in companies that make things for individual customers. It remains rare in heavy industry that produces steel, coal, oil, and paper, where the immediate consumers are other businesses. The transition from the production orientation to the marketing orientation is still going on. It is the most important but least understood revolution in human history, marking a decisive power-shift from institutions to individuals. In the production orientation, human enterprise asked first what we could make, and second whether anyone will want it. In the marketing orientation, we ask first what we want, and second how we can invent the means to fill that want. Production made people technology’s servants. Marketing makes us technology’s masters. The marketing revolution promises a golden age when social institutions and markets are systematically organized to maximize human happiness. One of marketing’s strongest features is its empiricism. What science did for perception, marketing does for production. It tests intuition and insight against empirical fact. Henry Ford thought he knew what people wanted from a car: cheap, reliable, and black. Ford sold millions of model-Ts in the 1920s with this mass marketing strategy. Then General Motors came along, segmenting the ma... ...icient/lower cost operator those competitors  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10 10  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Level of investment compared with operators (facilities, databases, technology, advertising, R&D and people developments)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8 Total score  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  100  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  90 Conclusion Ford Motor Company started the last century with a single man envisioning products that would meet the needs of people in a world on the verge of high-gear industrialization. Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. The company is beginning its second century of existence with a worldwide organization that retains and expands Henry Ford's heritage by developing products that serve the varying and ever-changing needs of people in the global community. References 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  www. ford .com 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Financial report Ford motor company 2002.2003 and 2004 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Letter from Bill Ford - Published by Ford Company 5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing management -Philip Kotler 6  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strategic Management - Thompson,Strickland 7  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing Management MRKT 601 course notes 8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing Management MRKT 601 course discussions

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gaskell North and South Essay

Gaskell’s ‘North and South’, set in Victorian England, is the story of Margaret Hale, a young woman whose life is completely turned on its head when her family moves to northern England. As an outsider from the agricultural south, Margaret is initially shocked by the aggressive northerners of the dirty, smoky industrial town of Milton, but as she adapts to her new home, she defies social conventions with her ready sympathy and defense of the working poor. Her passionate advocacy of the lower classes leads her to repeatedly clash with charismatic mill owner John Thornton over his treatment of his workers. While Margaret denies her growing attraction to him, Thornton agonizes over his foolish passion for her, in spite of their heated disagreements. As tensions mount between them, a violent unionization strike explodes in Milton, leaving everyone to deal with the aftermath in the town and in their personal lives. Gaskell’s novel could certainly be described as a social commentary; England at the time was extremely class-conscious, yet In almost all cases, Margaret does not so much choose sides as acknowledge mutually dependent and beneficial relationships. Though her family has very little in the way of money or assets, her family roots are in the gentry, yet when the family is moved up North to Milton, Margaret befriends and socializes with both ends of the social spectrum, mill owners and workers. Margaret is even capable of initiating a friendship of sorts between worker and owner, Higgins and Thornton even come up with a plan together to provide a canteen for the workers to get hot food. Differences in life in the South and life in the North are compared and contrasted often in a very subtle fashion, as are the differences in values and class structure. It is also very interesting to note that the difficulties of the lives of the impoverished factory workers are highlighted, however the difficulties faced by the factory owners are also presented. Through Margaret, Gaskell is able to transcend social class and at the same time create a hero amongst the industrial poverty of Milton, she acts in a way that would have been unconventional and frowned upon at the time for the good of such people as the Higgins family. When she is seen bringing a basket of food to the house during the workers strike, her peers condemn her at a dinner at the Thornton’s. Highlighting both the differences between northern and southern culture and the clashes between social conscientiousness. It could be said that ‘North and South’ is a novel defined by the resolution of binary conflicts; Margaret Hale is presented with a number of divisions of sympathy, between industrialists and the working class, between conflicting views of Mr.  Thornton, and even between her conflicting views of her own intelligence. Nancy Mann, in her essay â€Å"Intelligence and Self-Awareness in ‘North and South’: a Matter of Sex and Class† stipulates that the novel â€Å"concentrates on a crucial problem of the development of the novel in the nineteenth century, the relationship between abstract intelligence and self-awareness, and the ways in which this relationship may be affected by factors of sex and class†(1). What Mann is saying is that Gaskell is successful in throwing off the conventional boundaries of the classic romantic Victorian with all its feminist connotations and persuasions and has created a character that transcends the constraints of class and what is proper to actually do some good in her new environment. Gaskell’s most prominent social explorations however come in the form of contrasts. For example Margaret’s relationship with the Higgins family, especially Bessie, both nineteen years old when they meet, one healthy and the other gravely ill can be seen as a dramatic comment on class iniquity. Gaskell uses Bessie as a dramatic device in the novel to draw Margaret and her father closer, a task some literary critics consider to be so well done that Bessie is often discounted from the actual story. She is also a device to show the plight of the working class woman, Bessie is even described by one critic as ‘the most extensive portrait of a factory girl in the mainstream industrial novels, and as such, she reveals the political and economic tensions surrounding working class women'(2). Even Margaret says â€Å"Bessie’s comments address the specific problems of working-class women, problems that both unions and the middle class have an interest in ignoring†. Even when Bessie’s religious beliefs and her questioning of unionism are considered she is very revealing, Margaret sees her as having â€Å"a politics of her own† which both reveals her sense of disenfranchisement from the ongoing struggle between ‘masters and men’ and presents the most telling evidence in the novel of the iniquities of the class system. Something else that has to be considered in this scenario with Bessie as a dramatic tool towards Gaskell’s social commentary Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and south’: A National Bildungsroman. † Victorian Newsletter 85 (1994) Briefly traces the emergence of and critical debate on the industrial novel, noting â€Å"the industrial novels have been read largely in relation to male working-class history, not in relation to female working-class history or to the emerging nineteenth-century women’s movement. The critic also goes on to stipulate that the comments on the patriarchal foundations of both Chartism and the union movement makes a case for the need to consider Marxist and feminist issues when considering the issues raised in north and south. He goes on to suggest that â€Å"by placing her heroine, Margaret Hale, between North and South, Gaskell attempts to bring to the surface the unconscious bifurcations that produce class and gender ideologies† and that because the novel is both a Bildungsroman as well as an industrial novel it acquires â€Å"unusual dimensions in both categories†(3). Feminism also plays a big part in Gaskell’s novel, through her three main characters, Margaret, Thornton and Higgins Gaskell shows a struggle for growth and indicates what the future of society may hold for people in similar situations and how society can grow as a whole. When the novel is examined as a debate on class and gender issues, the amount of time the characters spend â€Å"arguing about word choices, definitions and analogies† it is clear that almost all interactions in the novel are affected in some way by gender or class, even in language, â€Å"every term that comes under debate is changed with class or gender import†(4). With this much importance forced upon the character’s class and gender by their social environment a reader is certainly inclined to read the novel as an exploration into the Victorian class system rather than a conventional love story of the time. Even in Margaret’s romantic capacity as a woman, her gradual sexual awareness of John Thornton and their Marriage at the end of the novel is more understandable to read in a more feminist light than a romantic one. In marrying Thornton Margaret enters into a mutually equal relationship, one where her influence and goals will be felt as well as his, â€Å"through Margaret, Gaskell subtly reveals the new directions women are taking toward independent action and freedom†(5). However at the same time recognizing that the changes she undergoes are in no way revolutionary and that though the conflicting ideas of obedience and freedom are not completely settled by the end of the novel, â€Å"at least one woman has emerged into responsible adulthood and has claimed her part in deciding the terms of that settlement†(6). What is most interesting about this novel is that all the elements of a romantic novel are there, but it is written in a way that turns the readers head from the sentimental pride and prejudice Esq. prose and makes them focus on the environment and its social deficiencies â€Å"through this story of social rejection and Christian compassion, Gaskell charges her culture to replace what she sees as a rigid and reductive old testament ethic of charity†(7). This idea of a old to new change in a religious sense is also backed by Gaskell’s own Unitarian background, her father was a Unitarian minister, as was her husband, Margaret’s father in the novel itself is also a minister it could even be suggested that â€Å"Gaskell’s beliefs provided her with an alternative vision of society and code of behavior†(8) the importance of Gaskell’s religious beliefs and Unitarianism can be found in many aspects of the novel, not least that Unitarianism believed in the cultivation of the intellect regardless of sex, she found the religious authority to challenge the patriarchal subjugation of women, especially those who failed to fulfill their designated role in society. It is ironic to think; â€Å"in a period nearly defined by its theological doubt, Gaskell’s spiritual faith authorizes her revolutionary vision†(9). When Mr. Thornton, without further verbal explication, proposes to Margaret in a â€Å"strange and presumptuous way† at the end of the novel, we see the proper structure of an intimate relationship, both sides respect each other’s power while Thornton refuses to impose a political hierarchy. This is emphasized by the exchange over the flowers, which he bought as a token of her independent self, which is a revolutionary idea in itself at this point in history and conversely, gives rise to his second comment referring to marriage as possession, saying he had â€Å"no hope of ever calling her mine†, and the second refutation of such terms. Although the novel does not strive at any point to be romantic at the expense of the real issues that Gaskell tackles in the way people lived at the time, their unspoken resolution to marry signifies the resolution of the novel the binding of two genders, halves of England, social classes, and individuals, into one. In conclusion Gaskell is very successful in going further than any of her peers in actually exploring deficiencies in Victorian culture and society, although the main components of a classic love story are there, Margaret opts for the conscientious, religious option at every turn making the novel more a serious social commentary than anything else. Gaskell’s religious persuasion adds to this in that it allows her to transcend the class system and her constraints as a woman in Victorian England to address these problems under the banner of religion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Intimate And Sensate Spaces Film Studies Essay

Do memorable experiences permeate architectural boundaries to give us a sense of belonging, and to what extent does the content of memory exist in familiarities of darkness, aroma and topographic point? As our lives become entwined with the physical occurrences in this universe we seek a sense of comfort in the topographic points we most closely associate with. Familiarities of darkness, aroma and topographic point along with their intangible properties stimulate our memories of past experiences and reaffirm our presence in this universe. In clip these topographic points become hoarded wealths of memories and weave through our reinforced environments structuring our journey and doing it meaningful.Introduction1 ) Historic illustrations of how Gothic Cathedrals and Egyptian temples became symbols of clip and experience. 2 ) Analyzing the decreasing animal familiarities and duologues between infinites and our lives and the transparence tendency in modern edifices today. 3 ) Phenomenology as looking at architecture through our ain witting experiences and the undertaking of Architecture to construction and happen our being in this universe 4 ) The purpose of this essay to research the content of what makes topographic points memorable by understanding the relationship between familiarities of darkness, aroma and topographic point.BodyA Intimate infinites and Geometry of Feeling in Phenomenology of Architecture Contemporary readings of brilliantly illuminated infinites and overexploitation of transparence in infinites decreasing our sense of intimate life. The human as a traveler, as a place inhabitant, as a melancholiac and how memories of topographic point infuse him with feelings of familiarity. B 1 ) Familiarity of Darkness Different personifications of darkness in literature, art The Significance of the Shadow How darkness constructions nostalgic images of the yesteryear. The nexus between darkness and memory Symbolic nature of Mental imagination of darkness The ability of darkness to rise the power of other senses. 2 ) Familiarity of Aroma Sense of odor and its ability to transport the individual to different kingdoms of clip Link between darkness and sense of odor Experiencing architecture through the sense of odor The connexion between memory and olfactory property 3 ) Familiarity of Topographic point The nexus between sense of odor and topographic point Sensate topographic points as powerful contents of memory Building and its intimate relation to its context Genius Loci and the phenomenon of topographic point Atmosphere and character of a topographic point 4 ) Design as an appropriate medium of look in being able to retrieve our past experiences and reaffirming our presence in this universe. 5 ) Using Design as a museum of clip, poignance and recollection in carry throughing our desires for intimate connexions and associations with this universe. 6 ) How we translate intimate spacial and centripetal experiences into the cloth of Architecture Tactile stuff looks Treatment of visible radiation and shadow Journey through infinites and altering spacial experiences Establishing a strong contextual relation between the edifice and its environment 7 ) Reviewing the practical possibilities through built illustrations and instance surveies of Architects like Peter Zumthor and Alvar Alto. DecisionIntroductionAs our lives become entwined with the physical occurrences in this universe we seek a sense of belonging in the topographic points we most closely associate with. ‘What is losing from our homes today are the possible minutess between organic structure, imaginativeness and environment ‘ Kent C Bloomer and Charles W Moore. ( as quoted in Pallasmaa 2005: P 41 ) How cognizant are we of the function of Architecture as a topographic point of memory in our lives? Architecture over coevalss has portrayed legion aspects of our physical being in this universe, be it emotion, faith, civilization or recollection. Our perceptual experiences of infinites are influenced by our figments of imaginativeness and recollections of past experiences, be it chapters of a novel, scenes of a movie, glances of a metropolis or narratives of loved 1s, all soaked with times of familiarity and nostalgia. Historic illustrations of such environments have borne testament to this though t in the signifier of Egyptian temples where we witness the silence of the dead and Gothic cathedrals where the eyes are drawn upwards along the arches to the mighty image of God as among the legion wonders of architectural experiences. However, modern infinites of today seem so subtle in their ability to travel us and raise within us wonders of clip and memory. Or is it this turning accent on transparence and openness in modern architecture that has led to decreasing sensitivenesss towards the perceptual experience of infinites as being an confidant and sensate representation of our lives. For the grade to which we observe elements of shadow and the feelings they construe in us, hints of odor and their ability to transport us to different kingdoms of clip and the ambiance of a topographic point, is deserving oppugning. The theory of Phenomenology explains the ethos of architecture as being tasked with non mere physical building of signifiers and maps but besides the manifestation of human experiences and emotions in the edifices we reside in. In kernel our intent as interior decorators is to carry through our interior desires of topographic points that comfort us and make an intimate bond between worlds and their reinforced environments. Contentment in design exists in the individual sing the architecture in all its kingdoms and our environments would be uncomplete representations of our lives if they are barren of memories and experiences. This essay aims to analyze the complex kingdom of familiarity in darkness, aroma and topographic point that have pervaded the really cloth of architecture in the yesteryear and go component and indispensible elements of memorable infinites, therefore taking me to oppugn whether memorable experiences permeate spacial boundaries to give us a sense of belonging, and if so so how do we animate such experiences in the context of modern spacial design.Intimate and Sensate SpacesIntimate infinites are a sense of realisation of the affectional, sensate and memorial features of a topographic point. They reach out and prosecute with our innermost desires of seeking comfort within a home. Architecture ‘s undertaking lies non merely in the physical manifestation of the edifice but besides in the intimate journey of the individual sing the architecture in all its signifiers. Intimate experiences habituate our being in this universe and embody deeper significances and apprehension of mundane life. As competently suggested by Pallasmaa, ‘It is clip that we considered whether signifiers or geometry in general can give rise to architectural feeling ‘ ( P410 ) As mentioned earlier the great wonders of architectural experiences such as Gothic cathedrals and Egyptian temples ne'er failed to travel us and shock us at their magnificence. We realize that they so played close attending to the significance of shadow and visible radiation which were important design elements in the experience they aimed to incarnate. So how so do we inculcate familiarities, enigmas, inquiries, nostalgia and melancholia in our modern twenty-four hours opposite numbers when they seem so vivacious, crystalline and unfastened in their visual aspect? As appropriately suggested by Luis Barragan ‘We have lost our sense of intimate life, and have become forced to populate public lives, basically off from place ‘ ( quoted in Pallasmaa 2005, P47 ) Ultimately the homes we reside in are meant to convey us closer to our reinforced environments, construction our being and non detach us and do us distant animals in the chase of void. Multisensory infinitesFamiliarity of DarknessDarkness more frequently seen as the absence of visible radiation has been associated with many different intensions that have played an influential function in the manner we perceive a dark infinite ; in short darkness has its ain narrative. Panic and offense scenes in literature, memories of the past captured in vintage frames, nostalgic lonely scenes described in poesy and more frequently than non an creative person ‘s picture expresses a deep apprehension of the contrast between dark and light. Further lucubrating on the personification of darkness in literature, a notable illustration would be the significance of darkness portrayed by Shakespeare in his tragic drama Macbeth which in many important scenes depicted the dark sky as a cloak of privacy that the supporter ‘s call upon when perfidy and slaying befall them. Another illustration would be from Junichiro Tanizaki ‘s in congratulations of shadows wherein he desc ribes the symbolic representation of a lacquer dish as being tantamount to savoring the darkness of the room. ( Pallasmaa, 2005 ) These illustrations are of import landmarks of mentions when we begin to chew over over the avenues that darkness as an component has opened up in our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours lives and moreover introduced into it a personal spacial dimension. Example from the architectural uncanny. Our perceptual experience of darkness is affected by the mode in which the oculus observes analyses and visualizes the material objects around us. The oculus has the ability to divide what we want to see from what we prefer non to see, which is strongly manipulated by the strength of visible radiation in a infinite. The sense of vision determines our connexions with infinites, signifiers and stuffs likewise, and ignites our ideas, imaginativeness and emotions. Darkness so is no longer merely an ambiance of concept in the physical dimension of infinite but it starts to pervade and unify with the darkness of the head even. Therein develops a new continuum of perceived dark infinite, more merely understood as symbolic imagination of darkness, which exists in the boundaries of our phantasies, dreams and imaginativeness. The intimacy of these connexions is straight affected by the contrast of visible radiation and shadow in a infinite, as noted by Pallasmaa ( 2005, p46 ) ‘During ove rmastering emotional experiences, we tend to shut off the distancing sense of vision ; we close the eyes when dreaming, listening to music, or fondling our darling 1s ‘ He farther goes on to explicate the significance of shadows and darkness in chanting down the acuteness of vision and in bring oning our inner ideas and feelings that otherwise seem elusive and hibernating. ( Pallasmaa 2005 ) Obviously plenty, darkness structures our immediate sensate and intimate experiences of minutes gone by or enfold our head with new found associations of clip and infinite. We chose to either remain confined to the darkness of physical infinite or in bend explore the boundaries of fanciful dark infinites. Memories are the consequence of these geographic expeditions within our heads that take topographic point in the presence of elusive visible radiation and deep shadow infinites. Memories are like scenes in a drama or chapters of a book that journey from one facet to another making a assortment of experiences for the individual walking through the infinite. As claimed by Pallasmaa that streets of old towns and metropoliss with their dim lit scenes appear more challenging than modern overly lit streets and towns oftoday. ( Pallasmaa, 2005 ) It about seems as if darkness and shadow play an instrumental function in raising up images of past experiences and exciting our ideas. Reaffirmed herein by Pallasmaa once more when he explains ‘The human oculus is most absolutely tuned for dusk instead than bright daytime. Mist and twilight rouse the imaginativeness by doing ocular images ill-defined and equivocal ‘ ( 2005, P46 ) More frequently than non we enjoy and gaze with admiratio n at the simple admirations of the dark sky, be it a star lit sky, a cloudy sky, a full Moon dark. Memories resonate in these infinites, infinites that give us the chance to be a portion of the admirations of nature, or experience times that we long for. When we begin to understand these elaboratenesss in the look of visible radiation and shadow, or duologues between atmosphere and our organic structure we begin to oppugn the elaboratenesss and duologues between our yesteryear and nowadays and look frontward to determining of new memories in the hereafter. The functions of visible radiation and darkness are interestingly linked yet absolutely balanced and it is for those grounds that we begin to develop new found associations with infinite that in many ways seem intimate and fond to our being. Memorable topographic point experiences are profoundly infused with infinites we most closely associate with. Darkness and shadow in their ain manner create a sense of purdah and enigma that all right tune the character and ambiance of a topographic point to comfort our senses and comfort us in times of demand. Many a clip ideas in our head have a inclination to look in an equivocal and unorganised manner, likewise shadow excessively creates an atmosphere of obscureness and wonder that spurs our imaginativeness and memories. On the contrary, topographic points of bright visible radiation and utmost strength weaken our esthesis of topographic point and personal experience. ( Pallasmaa 2005 ) As farther critically explained by Pallasmaa that the be st manner of subjecting people to insanity is with the usage of utmost degrees of visible radiation strength which erases any hint of personal infinite and idea. ( Pallasmaa 2005 ) Darkness in its confidant and sensate characteristic goes a measure farther to convey to illume the other senses in our organic structure. Darkness subdues the ocular esthesis of the oculus, automatically exciting the power of other senses such as touch and odor. It is in the presence of deep shadow that we depend on the heightened power of our other senses to see and closely prosecute with a infinite.Familiarity of AromaAroma, besides termed as an olfactive sense though preponderantly a ignored facet in architecture, is in fact one of the strongest centripetal characteristics in our organic structures and the deepness of experience and experiencing it covers is although unseeable but enkindled clip and once more through built-in tactile and ocular qualities of a infinite. It is an indispensible constitutional component of spacial design, raising up ocular imagination and personal penetrations of memories and infinites, transporting us to different kingdoms of clip. More simplistical ly set frontward, scent engages dialogue with nature through air current, H2O, location, flora as portion of the external environment and duologue with infinite through furniture, stuffs, and ocular entreaty in the interior environment. We ever trace ourselves back to a topographic point in clip through our sense of odor be it elusive or overmastering. As notably marked by Barbara and Perliss that olfactory property constitutes a powerful content of memory, perforating our inner ideas and exciting our emotions. Furthermore they bring back and refresh forgotten or hibernating minutes and experiences from within us. ( Barbara and Perliss 2006 ) Even though aroma by itself is a powerful tool in the remembrance of memory, it best exists when supported by the other senses, working in tandem to make a multisensory experience.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Nutrition - Essay Example We must keep in mind that different types of fibers have different characteristics and these characteristics benefit us in different ways. Now the question remains, how exactly do fiber rich foods benefit us? The answer is simple. Fibers escape from the small intestine without getting digested. These then help in various bodily processes such as growth of healthy bacteria and nutrients absorption. The reason it is difficult to understand the benefits of fibers is because there are many types of fibers that have different characteristics. Barley, beans and oats decrease the level of cholesterol. Soluble fiber rich foods when mixed with water swell in volume and when passing through the small intestines, they trap bile acids from the gall bladder. These acids are made from cholesterol and when we eat fat, these are pushed into the small intestines. The fiber plus water material absorbs the acid out of the small intestines and eventually out of the body and hence reduces cholesterol. Fibers also help in slowing the entrance of sugar into the blood in the same cholesterol was trapped from the small intestines. Fibers also help in sustaining the normal healthy bacteria that maintain the intestines, prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, improves immune system and increases absorption of calcium. The article was very informative. It covered each point related to fiber and its benefits in detail and at the same time it was short enough to maintain the reader’s interest in the article. Concise and informative is the prefect combination that is needed in a good piece of writing. The language that was used through out the article was also very simple and easy to understand. No such jargons were used which makes the article comprehendible for anyone who is interested. Examples and facts were given which make the argument of the writer more concrete and strong. However,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Leadership - Essay Example As pointed out by Hughes et al(2002), â€Å"Leadership is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers and the situation.†(p 6). Therefore leadership cannot be assumed to be a position, rather it is a process of interaction between a leader, followers and the situation. In maintaining a competitive advantage, organizational leadership in health care districts must ensure efficient utilization of funds and other resources, ensure patient safety while also providing a positive health care environment to effectively manage health care services.(Waters 2005). The deficiencies that exist in both districts must be identified and addressed before formulating the new team. Peter Senge (1990) presented several ways of thinking and acting of the leadership of an organization in such a manner that learning systems within it can be changed to address the weaknesses. Cathon(2000) has applied these principles in a health care context, through the perspective of an interdepartmental health manager. On this basis, he challenges first all the preconceived notions of job limitations – for example, once a radiologist for example, always a radiologist. While moving into a new context, redefinition of roles may be necessary. As pointed out by Glen (2003), increased technological advances have also introduced the concept of physician intervention through video conferencing, which enables a physician to attend to several of his patients at various stages of recovery at one time. This has necessarily imposed greater responsibility on nurses who now make triage decisions, perform minor surgical procedures, administer drugs and manage treatments, some of which were the exclusive province of a physician’s job [Glen, 2003]. From 1996, the Government has empowered nurses to fill the gaps that have resulted as a result of reduction of hours for junior doctors, which has